Counting My Wins

When dealing with depression, my doctor told me to count my wins, even if it was getting out of bed, doing a load of laundry, or going outside for a few minutes. He said it all counts.

Learn to Live Again

That's part of the process of learning to live with bipolar disorder while working through trauma and grief. It's going to be messy and painful and difficult. I know there will be times I feel like I'm getting worse before I get better. But the only way out is through...

I Will Not Die Today

Right now, each day I have to tell myself, I will not die today. So, I'm telling you too: Don't die today... Today, let's decide to not give up. Let's not think about tomorrow. Today, let's decide to live.

Grief, Gardens, and Healing

If you're in a place of darkness, where your hurt feels suffocating and you can see no way of it ever being better, please, please reach out to someone who can help. A friend, a family member, a therapist or counselor. Don't struggle alone. Don't give up.

Talk About Mental Health

I'm amazed at the stigma that still surrounds mental health issues and mental illness. If we stopped acting as if we're supposed to have it together 100% of the time, things might begin to change. If we were real with each about our struggles, we would be relieved to know we aren't alone. If we… Continue reading Talk About Mental Health

Wounds Not Yet Healed

In previous relationships, that was exactly what I was taught. I wasn't good enough. I had to earn respect. I had to perform to be loved. I had to make the other person happy through what I could do for them. Otherwise, I was worthless and unworthy.

Bipolar Disorder Has Taken Over My Life

Bipolar depression is especially crippling, and I have had a history of being bedridden anywhere from a few days to a few weeks because of it... This alongside instability, irritability due to sensory overstimulation, memory problems and anxiety have cost me more jobs than I care to count.