Distracted Stormy Mess

Ever have one of those mornings when everything that can go wrong, does go wrong? So, I'm using a filter to help me force a smile, cause damn! This morning kicked my ass. But I'm thinking it was to get my attention.

Talk About Mental Health

I'm amazed at the stigma that still surrounds mental health issues and mental illness. If we stopped acting as if we're supposed to have it together 100% of the time, things might begin to change. If we were real with each about our struggles, we would be relieved to know we aren't alone. If we… Continue reading Talk About Mental Health

Wounds Not Yet Healed

In previous relationships, that was exactly what I was taught. I wasn't good enough. I had to earn respect. I had to perform to be loved. I had to make the other person happy through what I could do for them. Otherwise, I was worthless and unworthy.

Healing the Little Girl Within

I almost cried in the middle of the store as my little girl self related to the stories being shared. I started to understand the depth of the longing within me. I can only begin healing by acknowledging the experiences and validating the emotions of my childhood. The only way I can grow and heal as an adult is to first connect with and love the little girl in me.

Love, Acceptance…and Fear

I have let fear take control of me. At one point I thought I was fearless, but somehow, I let it creep and settle in and make itself at home within me. I’m hoping—no, I know—as I continue healing, I will become fearless once again.

Mental Health Break

My body, mind, and soul feel the need to breathe deep, focus on some self care, and create new things.

2021 – New Year, New Word

Over two decades of pushing down emotions, blocking out memories of abuse, fighting my mood disorder while trying to slap on a happy face? Yes, it's only right that this is my new word for the new year.